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So, I haven't posted here since August and OH SO MANY THINGS have changed!

First of all, I've penned five new stories for 2017 and I've already released two of them, "Anticipating Fate" and "Consensual."

The other three are slated for release in April, May and July. I already have another story in mind but I'm not sure when I'll have the time to write it.

You see, if you've checked out my website or my Facebook page, you'll know that I have a full time gig as an educator. And after 19 years, I've finally decided to pursue a Masters degree. So I will have less spare time for writing come mid-March.

That being said, the good news is that summer may give me time to crank out a story or two for the end of 2017. Only time will tell.

Thank you so much for reading and even through there may be a lull in productivity, as far as I can say, there is no end in sight!

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